Vendor Spotlight | Local Post
If you’re looking for a furnished rental with a flexible lease…then you NEED to know about Local Post. We took the liberty of getting to know them a little better. Read on to find out more about who they are and why we think they are so fabulous!
In two sentences, what is Local Post all about?
We’re Local Post. Your (kinda) place. We create fully-furnished rental homes, offering flexible leases for every need.
Because why rent for a year if you don’t want to?
Who all is a part of the team at Local Post?
Everyone on our team takes on lots of roles. That’s life in a small business, right? We share ideas, support and push each other, and entertain even the craziest notion. We’re a close-knit team that trusts each other to bring their best. That’s how we go from tiny idea to bringing up the walls of our fully-baked, one-of-a-kind, hometown projects.
Stuart Cullinan, development
Lizzy Hardy, development & design
Emily Cullinan, marketing & design
Maggie Stalls, property management & guest services
How long have you been providing super cool furnished housing to Triangle residents?
We launched our furnished neighborhood flats in Downtown Raleigh in winter of 2019...right before the pandemic. What a ride that was! But even then, we saw the community’s need for this type of housing — creatively designed, fully decorated, great locations, flexible leases.
What is one piece of advice you give to folks looking for somewhere to live in Raleigh/Durham?
We’re big believers in that 'slow travel', ‘live like a local’ idea. So when you’re new to a neighborhood, jump in head first! Search out its unique vibe and creative soul. Even if you’re staying for a short time, nothing beats a heart-felt connection to a place you call home.
What is your fave part of the work y’all do?
What’s our favorite part of LoPo? It depends who you ask. The most creative of us are hooked on the design process — from conceptual floorpan to thrifting for artwork and vintage treasures that bring our homes to life. And the friendliest of us are obsessed with helping guests settle-in to their new homes. We have a lot of living options at LoPo, so it’s a delight placing folks in just the right spot. Who doesn’t love a happy home, ya know?
Favorite local restaurants?
We’re partial to super-friendly neighborhood staples with great creative energy, like Stanbary, Jolie and Benchwarmers Bagels in Raleigh and then Guglhupf and Pizzeria Toro in Durham.
Favorite local places to visit on the weekends?
You can find us hitting up the local festival scene and pop-markets across the Triangle. Raleigh’s Hopscotch or Dreamville and Durham’s Moogfest or Eno River Festival are obvious choices — but they’re just once a year. Our regular go-to’s: Downtown Durham Farmer’s Market (open Saturdays 8 am-12 pm and Wednesdays 3-6 pm) and The Raleigh Market at the fairgrounds (open weekends, 9 am-5 pm).